Thursday, 25 January 2018

Study Task 7- Reading Dissertations

"Intersectional fourth wave feminism; is technology and the internet beneficial or detrimental to current female zine culture?" 

Research methods:

  • WIDE RANGE!!!! 
  • books: look up "all the rebel women; rise of the fourth wave of feminism"
  • first hand, interviews with people that make zines and other female creators
  • journals and online
Tone of voice:

  • overall, impassioned and personable
  • clearly the subject matter means a lot and is personal to the writer, which I like
  • feels not too scientific or overly scholarly
  • however, some sentences are overly packed with sophisticated vocabulary so that it is hard to understand in places 


  •  as mentioned before some words and phrases could be taken out to avoid over complicating it
  • quite rambling in places which makes it hard to remember the point thats being made
  • but thoroughly researched and well rationed

  • the general 'chapters' are easily divided up into a few smaller categories which is good
  • however the interview sections towards the end is slightly harder to understand, doesn't totally fit the flow of the essay
  • smaller chunks easier to understand

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Beginning My Visual Journal

Starting Imagery:

  • women themselves (too easy?)
  • things typical of the punk subculture; the clothing, makeup, symbols (anarchy), jewellery
  • famous and influential women of punk; Joan Jett, Cherie Curie, Patti Smith, Kathleen Hanna, Siouxsie Sioux

Possible colour palettes and materials:

  • PINK, anything typically feminine
  • black, the colour that epitomises the punk aesthetic
  • tartan
  • metal, chrome
  • collage, photocopy
  • ink