I plan to visually and practically investigate:
whether we have women of punk to thank for feminism as it is today
In order to do this I will:
Primary research:
- the blogs, book and journals both offline and online that I have been using so far to write my essay
- continue further to use the internet to look at what is happening in feminism CURRENTLY
Secondary research:
- considering how I can use what I have learnt to begin my own visual response
- zine making, DIY processes, collage, experimental photocopying
- then passing these round and seeing how far they travel, encouraging friends to photocopy them
Media and processes:
- drawing using ink
- typography, maybe using the printing press?
- photocopying
- feminine crafts such as embroidery and sewing
- Guerilla Girls
- Zines such as Riot Grrrl
- Barbara Kruger
- @hanecdote on instagram- feminist embroidery