Today we had our first COP seminar with Pete. We mainly sat and went through the years structure which was really daunting and made me panic for a bit, but after that we did an exercise where we were given the words social, political, aesthetic, history and technology. From these words we had to then pick two we liked the sound of and then make a list of ten words associated with the original words (I picked social and technology). Then we had to swap one of our lists with someone else on our table and had to combine one word from each list to make a random phrase. I ended up with History and Social and from this got the phrases Facetime Hitler, Churchill Pokemon Go and Dinosaur Twitter.
Then from these phrases we had to investigate how we could portray these things through illustration. I started with the Churchill one which didn't go so well, it turned out it was quite hard as Churchill seems to be hard for me to draw. I'm not sure anyone could recognise who it was meant to be, but I drew him holding a phone out like he was playing Pokemon Go and with a Snorelax in front of him to make it even more obvious. After this I tried the dinosaur twitter one and drew a T-Rex trying to hold a phone with its tiny hands. This did look good but not good enough to carry on trying with (also realised I need to learn to draw dinosaurs). Finally I tried the Hitler facetime one which was definitely the most successful. I drew him reflected in an Iphone at first.
As you can see from the developed drawings, I then added the speech bubbles around his face which read "Can you hear me?" and "You've frozen" in German. I added these as they're two phrases that people often say while on facetime. I also made the face a bit more cartoonised to give it a bit more personality. Overall I was quite happy with the outcome and would be keen to develop the drawing more to see how it could turn out, maybe by adding some colour and textures.

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