Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Chronologies- Type: Production and Distribution

Today we had our second lecture on the history of type which although I've found confusing is also very interesting. 

Things I found interesting about this lecture:

We learnt a lot more about the key developments in type progression including parts on the Bauhaus movement, which I didn't realise encompassed buildings and architecture as well as graphic and product design. We also learnt the phrase "Form follows function", this put simply means that the shape of a building or object should be based upon its function or intended purpose for use. I like that this movement stripped down all the intricacy's of pre modern design and kept only the basics, which in turn made simplicity beautiful in its own right.

We also learnt more about significant people and events from the Pre Modern, Modern and Post Modern movements and I was particularly interested to find out that Helvetica font was designed by Max Miedinger in 1957 and was designed to highlight cutting edge Swiss technology. It was also essential in times of mass production and distribution to different countries as it was a clear font with no fuss that most could use and understand. (I've actually used Helvetica for this blog post and I really like it). 

Points to take away from this lecture:

- What is my stance on where type sits in our society?

  • I think its important much like any other creative discipline to convey messages and make things accessible to other members of society
  • I think although its been made more accessible to the masses, this is really a  good thing as it allows everyone to develop their thoughts and feelings on it
- What decisions am I going to make as a creative?
  • I personally think I will make every effort to use my practice to portray things in a more stripped down way, keeping my bias to a minimum where necessary to let others make up their minds
- Do I think we can shape the world?
  • Definitely, through good practice and the right exposure I think creativity can change the world, I think its just our choice how we change it.

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