Thursday, 13 April 2017


Hallelujah god be praised today I finally finished the COP journal, and to be honest I'm so glad to have it out of the way. It was by far one of the hardest sketchbooks I've ever had to fill as it just seemed to go on for ever, but here are the last few pages from it:

Successes of the journal:

- it was quite interesting to just have to fill a journal with pieces not working towards a final piece, whilst this was hard it also meant I could go off on a bit of a tangent which I enjoyed
- it was also a place where I could investigate my use of colour, line, shape etc and see what kind of way that related to my practise. I think its interesting that the media I've used most in this is watercolour, maybe as its the fastest way to quickly record my thoughts? 
- I also think that due to the flowing nature of the concertina book the pieces have a subsequent flow to them, its relatively easy to see the development of my ideas through them

Failures of the journal:

- the amount of pages in the book was way too much and I wasn't sure I had that much to say about the theme I began with. This means as the book goes on I've kind of moulded my topic to fit something I enjoyed talking about more but hopefully was still relevant
- its possible there wasn't enough experimentation with different media in it
- I also didn't really end up picking one element to focus all my studies on 

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