Saturday, 27 October 2018

Roxanne Gay- Bad Feminist

Page 261: When Twitter Does What Journalism Cannot

"The filibuster was a gripping spectacle that kept me rapt for hours. On /twitter, people were able to offer support, however symbolic, for Senator Davis's efforts. There was a sense of community"

- the author states that twitter can provide a kind of online community and outlet for people to speak up about ongoing issues and can even offer a support to those already speaking out. Solidarity? However they also address the fact that the support is slightly symbolic

"There are times when social media is anything but trivial. During hurricane Sandy, social media allowed public officials along the Eastern corridor to disseminate information about available resources and evacuation routes, and provide updates on the storm."


"Social media allowed community members to offer information and assistance and human connection through small, grassroots networks"

- Author implies that although there are a few bad resources surfacing online and on social media, it can provide a valuable tool in the face of disasters for both citizens and officials. Like this idea of it allowing for human connection in trying times. Rather than having to try and communicate on a larger scale with government officials. Making a kind of global community?

"Good journalism takes time that social media, which advances at a breathtaking pace, rarely affords. Good journalists need to verify information before they can report it. They need this time because, in the best of all worlds, we're supposed to trust that they are offering us accurate, unbiased information."

- again acknowledging that social media is a bit of a free platform in some senses, in this case meaning that information can be put onto the platform without much basis. But thats the important part of knowing the differences between old and new media. Old media can be more well written, typically less biased and based in reality. Whereas new media must be taken with a pinch of salt depending on who is relaying the information etc

"Social networking broadened the conversation"


"Social networks also provide us with something of a flawed but necessary conscience, a constant reminder that commitment, compassion and advocacy neither can nor ever should be finite."

- Again touching on that idea of social media bringing a more human, sometimes compassionate side to the media. Although old media is reliable as it is typically less biased, new media can be biased but it is written by civilians, for other civilians to read. It can be maybe less clinical and removed than newspapers. The fact that it can be written and sent quickly as well most likely means that some of the statements made on the platform can be a bit more impassioned

"Traditional journalism can give us the grounding and context we dearly need, while social networks remind us that we do have today, that we can be mindful of the past and the future while taking some time to appreciate the present."

- What I get from this quote is that the authors suggesting that we continue to get our hard facts and evidence from traditional forms of journalism such as newspapers which are more reliable sources. Then when we have these facts we can use social networks to discuss them with others on the network and express our personal opinions. Social networks like twitter are a more immediate form of expression which has its own merits but maybe can't be a replacement for the traditional media outlets.

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