Wednesday 4 April 2018

Study Task 10- Evaluative Statement


10 words that sum up my research:

  • punk 
  • feminism
  • DIY
  • zines
  • manifesto
  • expression
  • tone of voice
  • collage
  • 90's
  • musicians


I found the majority of this project interesting and enjoyable as feminism is central to my life and my practice so it was interesting to see how the women of punk used their craft to express their views. I was able to work more with text and writing due to the fact I was talking about punk bands and their music and lyrics. This is something I feel I have a natural ability for and I enjoy mixing small hand drawn images and words into the same composition. I will definitely bring more of this into my work in the future. 

This project also encouraged me to start collaging again for the first time in a while, and whilst I can't say its my favourite way to work, its opened my mind to different ways of making a composition around found imagery. I have also really enjoyed the aesthetic that comes from using letters cut out from magazines as it looks much bolder and clearer than handwriting can. 

I've learnt a lot about the major players in the punk world in the 80's/90's, and how instrumental DIY zines were in furthering the interests of the women of punk. I was fascinated by the idea of handmade zines providing a platform that would have otherwise been hard to come by for women wanting to discuss the issues that faced them directly, and the ways in which this inspired many other women and girls to find or forge their own platforms to make themselves heard. I aim to create a discussion around the issues that women currently face in my future work.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

My Manifesto

  1. support your local girlgang
  2. speak with encouragement, not jealousy
  3. don't be afraid to feel your emotions, they don't make you weak
  4. quit apologising for being yourself
  5. support other creatives
  6. smash the patriarchy
  7. speak up for those who are voiceless
  8. educate yourself
  9. keep an open mind
  10. rise above bullshit
  11. be a good feminist